Marking an Invoice Paid Out of Band

Users may encounter a scenario where they have invoiced a customer for a service in Stripe, but the customer submits their payment through some other channel, such as by providing a paper check. If you don’t want to void the invoice and wish for the payment status (“paid”) of the invoice to be consistent in Stripe with your business’s understanding of the customer’s account, then you can mark the invoice as “paid out of band,” which signifies that the invoice has been paid outside of Stripe. Just as when invoices transition to a ‘paid’ status because of payment in Stripe, this action is final, and the invoice cannot be altered after being marked as paid out of band.

You can mark an invoice as paid out of band in the dashboard by navigating to the Invoice details page, then clicking More and selecting ‘Change invoice status.’ In the resulting dialog, select the ‘Paid’ option. Alternatively, you can mark an invoice as paid out of band via the API by calling the Pay Invoice endpoint and passing ‘paid_out_of_band’: true.

Read more in the Stripe docs and API reference

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