July 2024 changes to Stripe Billing

On July 10, 2024, we made some changes to Stripe Billing. All of our subscription-management and revenue optimization features are now available in one simplified package that replaces our previous Billing Starter and Billing Scale plans at a new price of 0.70% of Billing volume.

If you were a Stripe Billing Starter or Billing Scale user before July 10, 2024, you will receive promotional pricing until June 30, 2025, at which point new pricing is effective. You can see additional details on how your plan has changed below. We have not made any changes to the Billing plans of users who have sales contracts with Stripe. You may contact your Stripe account executive if you have questions about changing your contract.


Stripe Billing Starter

Stripe Billing Scale

Stripe Billing


Retired 7/10/24

Retired 7/10/24



0.5% on Billing volume

0.8% on Billing volume and Invoicing volume

0.7% on Billing volume

(promotionally 0.5% until 6/30/2025 for users who were on Billing Starter and Billing Scale plans prior to 7/10/2024)

Recurring billing

Usage-based billing

(Added in 2024)

(Added in 2024)

Automatic reminders

Smart Retries

(Added in 2024)

Customer portal


Recovery and retention automations

Multiphase subscription schedules

One-time invoicing

(0.8% per paid invoice)

Charged separately starting at 0.4% per paid invoice

Revenue Recognition

Charged separately starting at 0.25% of volume

(promotionally free on Billing and Invoicing volume until 6/30/25 for users who were on Billing Scale prior to 7/10/2024)


Where can I view and manage my Billing plan?

You can manage all Stripe product plans, including Billing, from the Stripe Dashboard.

Why did Stripe make these changes?

We’ve reintroduced Stripe Billing as a single package that combines the best of Starter and Scale, plus new functionality such as usage-based billing and complex B2B billing features. We made this change because we heard from users that Starter and Scale weren’t optimized for business’ needs; Starter didn’t include advanced Billing features, while Scale bundled Revenue Recognition, preventing full product flexibility.

Why do I see “Billing - Usage Fee” on my Stripe fees report?

On July 10, 2024, we changed how we display pay-as-you-go Billing fees. Previously, Billing fees would appear as Billing (YYYY-MM-DD): Subscriptions. Now, Billing fees appear as Billing - Usage Fee (YYYY-MM-DD).

For users on a monthly plan, the monthly flat fee appears as Billing - Recurring Fee with the corresponding date period, and the overage fee appears as Billing - Usage Fee.

What if I had a promotional price or special rate for Stripe Billing?

We are still honoring all promotions for Stripe Billing. You will not be charged at the new Billing rate until your special promotion concludes.

Can I opt out of these changes and stay on my old Stripe Billing plan?

No, we are no longer offering the Billing Scale and Billing Starter plans.

How does Stripe charge for Billing?

The fees you pay for Stripe Billing are assessed based on your Billing volume. Billing volume includes all transactions processed on or off Stripe that leverage Stripe Billing functionality, such as subscriptions, subscription schedules, and usage-based billing. Billing volume excludes one-off invoices—Stripe Invoicing fees apply there.

I used one-time invoicing before this change. How will I be charged for that now?

One-time invoicing is now charged separately for all Stripe Billing users. You can view and/or manage your Invoicing plan from your Stripe Dashboard.

I used Revenue Recognition before this change. How will I be charged for that now?

Revenue Recognition is now charged separately for all Stripe Billing users. You can turn Revenue Recognition on or off from your Stripe Dashboard.

How can I access Stripe Billing at a lower rate?

We are adding a subscription-based pricing option for Stripe Billing customers. This will allow you to pay for Stripe Billing with a monthly subscription, which can make your monthly costs more predictable and reduce them when compared to pay-as-you-go pricing. Subscription-based plans are available currently available in most countries.

If your business processes large volumes on Stripe, contact sales to inquire about custom pricing.

How do I sign up for a subscription-based plan?

You can sign up or switch to a subscription-based plan from the Your plans page in the Stripe Dashboard.

We’re still working to make subscription-based plans available for our customers globally. If your region is supported, you’ll see the option to sign up.

Why did I receive notice about this update after July 10th?

We apologize for the delayed notice about changes to Stripe Billing to some of our customers. We intended to notify all impacted customers on July 10th, 2024, but some customers were inadvertently missed in our system. Rest assured that you will still receive promotional pricing for the same duration.