Integrate your Corporate Card with Xero


Stripe can automatically sync your transactions to Xero.

To enable the integration:

Once you select “Connect,” Stripe will sync your Corporate Card transaction data for all cardholders linked to your Corporate Card account so you can view your Corporate Card transaction data in your Xero account. Selecting “disable” stops future data-sharing. Please review Xero’s Privacy Policy.


Transactions are synchronized at the end of the day they are confirmed. This means pending transactions will not appear on your Xero account, and all transactions that do appear in Xero are final and will no longer change.


Statements are created for each day. Once a day, a new statement will be created in Xero containing the transactions that were confirmed that day. If there is a day where no new transactions are confirmed, there won’t be a statement created for that day. Since statements contain only confirmed transactions, statements are final and will not change.