H2 2023 Invoicing pricing updates

Stripe is making pricing changes to Invoicing Starter and Invoicing Plus pricing plans for users that joined within a specific timeframe.

What's changing?

Communications you received from Stripe will indicate if you are impacted by either change. You can determine which of the changes above applies to you by visiting the Stripe Dashboard. If your Dashboard indicates that:

Invoicing Starter users who joined between 5/12/2021 and 8/8/2022

Starting November 1, 2023, we will no longer offer 25 free invoices every month for users who joined Invoicing Starter between May 12, 2021 and August 8, 2022. We will continue to charge 0.4% per paid invoice.

Why are these fees increasing?

Since we launched Invoicing in 2021, we’ve made substantial improvements: you can let your customers pay and manage their invoices using our no-code customer portal, revise and track invoices, and more. These features are included in the Invoicing Starter plan.

What can help me offset these costs?

If you do not need full invoicing functionality, such as tracking payment status, invoicing documentation, reporting, and the prebuilt customer portal, Payment Links helps you create a payment page in just a few clicks and share the link with your customers—no code or website required.

How can I calculate the impact of these updates to my business?

The best way to approximate the impact these changes might have to your business is to use the Stripe Dashboard.

  1. Visit the Invoicing page in the Dashboard, filtered for paid invoices.
  2. Next, select the filter on “Frequency” and choose “one-off.”
  3. You’ll see the total amount of your paid, one-time invoices here.
  4. For Invoicing Starter users, you can approximate the cost of these invoices by multiplying the amount of your first 25 monthly invoices by 0.4%.

How does this affect my connected accounts?

If you use Connect with Standard accounts, these changes will apply to the Stripe fees for your connected accounts. Stripe will automatically notify your connected accounts about the changes that affect them. If you promote Stripe pricing in your public materials, you will need to update those materials to reflect our new pricing.

If you use Connect with Custom accounts, you will need to update your public materials to reflect our updated pricing. You are responsible for updating your pricing and communicating this change to your users.

How can I understand which of my connected accounts are affected?

To understand which of your connected accounts are affected by this change, please reach out to the Stripe team.

Why did I get this notice?

This support page provides you with more details on the notice we sent you describing changes to certain fees. That notice is a legal notice sent to Stripe users, even those who have unsubscribed from optional marketing notices. You cannot unsubscribe from legal notices, but if you’d prefer not to receive any further legal notices from Stripe, you can close your account by following these steps.

Your continued use of Stripe's services after November 1, 2023 is subject to these fee changes. Any termination rights you have under your agreement with us are unaffected by this change.

Do I need to take action?

There’s no action necessary for you at this time and these changes will automatically apply to your business and/or your connected accounts on November 1, 2023.

Contact support

If you have questions beyond what's detailed above, please reach out to the Stripe team.

Invoicing Plus users who joined between 1/1/2021 and 5/12/2022

In 2021, we introduced new pricing for Invoicing and, at that time, provided a grace period for existing users until January 31, 2024. Starting January 31, Invoicing Plus users who sent an invoice between January 1, 2021 and May 12, 2021 will be charged our standard pricing of 0.5% for paid invoices.

See features included with Invoicing Plus here.

Why are these fees increasing?

The adjustments to our pricing plans for Invoicing Plus align our pricing to the value our products provide. The changes to Invoicing Plus referenced on this page only affect users who received Invoicing Plus functionality for free over our previously communicated three-year pricing grace period, until January 31, 2024.

What can help me offset these costs?

How can I calculate the impact of these updates to my business?

The best way to approximate the impact these changes might have to your business is to use the Stripe Dashboard.

  1. Visit the Invoicing page in the Dashboard, filtered for paid invoices.
  2. Next, select the filter on “Frequency” and choose “one-off.”
  3. You’ll see the total amount of your paid, one-time invoices here.
  4. For Invoicing Plus users, you can approximate the cost of these invoices by multiplying by 0.5%.

How do I downgrade from Invoicing Plus to Invoicing Starter?

If you no longer need access to the advanced features included in Invoicing Plus, you can use the Stripe Dashboard to downgrade to Invoicing Starter (0.4% per paid invoice). Please contact Stripe Support if you have any questions about downgrading.

How does this affect my connected accounts?

If you use Connect with Standard accounts, these changes will apply to the Stripe fees for your connected accounts. Stripe will automatically notify your connected accounts about the changes that affect them. If you promote Stripe pricing in your public materials, you will need to update those materials to reflect our new pricing.

If you use Connect with Custom accounts, you will need to update your public materials to reflect our updated pricing. You are responsible for updating your pricing and communicating this change to your users.

How can I understand which of my connected accounts are affected?

To understand which of your connected accounts are affected by this change, please reach out to the Stripe team.

Why did I get this notice?

This support page provides you with more details on the notice we sent you describing changes to certain fees. That notice is a legal notice sent to Stripe users, even those who have unsubscribed from optional marketing notices. You cannot unsubscribe from legal notices, but if you’d prefer not to receive any further legal notices from Stripe, you can close your account by following these steps.

Your continued use of Stripe's services after January 31, 2024) is subject to these fee changes. Any termination rights you have under your agreement with us are unaffected by this change.

Do I need to take action?

There’s no action necessary for you at this time and these changes will automatically apply to your business and/or your connected accounts on February 1, 2024.

Contact support

If you have questions beyond what's detailed above, please reach out to the Stripe team.