Disconnect your Stripe account from a connected third-party platform

To disconnect your Stripe account from a connected third-party platform, go to Settings > Installed Apps in your Dashboard.

Note: If the third-party platform creates Subscriptions for you, we strongly recommend first discussing Subscription migration options with the platform before disconnecting. Disconnecting your account from a third-party platform while there are active Subscriptions can have implications depending on how the Subscription was created.

You can revoke a platform's access at any time from the Settings > Team and Security > Installed Apps area of your Dashboard.

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You may be restricted from revoking platform access if you signed up with a Connect platform that has platform controls for connected accounts. Reach out to the platform to initiate the disconnect process for you.

  • If a platform disconnects your account via the API, you will have the ability to transition your account to a direct Stripe account and remove all platform controls.

  • If a platform disconnects your account via their dashboard, no further action is needed on your end.

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