You can set a customer's default currency in the Dashboard, which will apply to all their subscriptions and invoices. Changing a customer's default currency is possible if there are no active subscriptions or billing objects in the current currency. One-off invoices can be created in non-default currencies. However, once a customer's currency is set, you cannot create a subscription or coupon in another currency for that customer.
You can set the customer’s default currency in the Dashboard. This setting will be used for all subscriptions and invoices associated with that customer.
The default currency for a customer will also be set automatically when any of the following actions are taken for the first time:
- The customer is subscribed to a plan
- An invoice is created for the customer
- An invoice item is created for the customer
- The customer’s balance is adjusted
- A flat-rate coupon is attached to the customer (not a percent-off coupon)
Changing a Customer's Default Currency
You can change the customer’s default currency if there are no active subscriptions, quotes, or other Billing objects in the customer's current currency. The customer’s default currency will be changed when the customer does not have any active subscriptions and you start a new subscription, quote, or subscription schedule for the customer in a new currency.
If a customer has any ongoing subscriptions, you can cancel existing subscriptions and re-create them in a different currency to change the customer’s default currency. The currency cannot be updated on an ongoing subscription.
Non-Default Currencies for One-off Invoices
You can create one-off invoices in a currency that's different from the customer's default currency. You can also adjust the customer balance in any currency, not just the customer’s default currency. This is available both in the API and in the Dashboard.
Additional Information
Once a customer's currency is set, you cannot create a subscription or coupon in another currency for that customer.
If you're looking for a way to sell your products in multiple currencies, but each individual customer uses a single currency, then check out our multi-currency Prices documentation instead.