Who will obtain my financial institution login credentials?

The type of connection that Stripe has with your financial institution determines whether Stripe and our service providers need to access your financial account information by using and storing your login credentials.    

An OAuth (Open Authentication) connection is a way for you to log in directly to your financial institution to share information with your merchant and Stripe. This means you don’t have to share your login credentials with Stripe or our service providers.

If neither Stripe nor our service providers can connect to your financial institution via OAuth, then you are sharing your financial institution login credentials with Stripe and one of our service providers when you link a financial account.

Stripe and our service providers will store your credentials using encryption and use them to regularly obtain the updated account information that you’ve consented to share. Learn more about our service providers’ security practices.

No matter which type of connection is made, Stripe never shares your login credentials with your merchant.

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