Troubleshooting webhook delivery issues

Webhooks deliver Events to your Webhook Endpoint using HTTP requests. If Events aren't being delivered to your Webhook Endpoint as expected, this article will help you determine the cause of the issue and fix the problem.

Note: when an Event cannot be successfully delivered to your Webhook Endpoint we will retry delivery several times.

Determine the issue

The first step is to figure out what the issue is from Stripe's point of view:

  1. Go to the Webhooks page in your Dashboard
  2. Select the Webhook Endpoint experiencing delivery failures
  3. Switch to the Failed tab
  4. Select one of the Events in the list
  5. Press the ••• button on the right and select View event
  6. Under Webhook attempts expand the delivery attempt

Look at the HTTP status code and go to the matching article below for next steps. The information in the Response may also be helpful.


Note: you may need to follow these steps several times if you're experiencing several different delivery failure conditions.