Make corrections or splits to 1099 forms filed with Payable

If you are a platform that believes you need to make corrections or splits to 1099 forms that were filed with Payable, first check with your tax advisor about your ongoing obligations and see the article below to learn more about ongoing support for Payable.

Access to Payable has ended

If it is required reach out to Stripe Support who will assist you with this process. Please allow 3-10 days for corrections as we validate information with external tax authorities.

Before reaching out to support make sure you have the following ready -

  1. Correct account permissions to receive exports via the Stripe dashboard - Tax Analyst, Owner, or Admin.
  2. Email used with your Payable account.

Our support team will assist with locating the correct Payable project and send a CSV export directly to your Stripe dashboard so you can identify the form(s) requiring changes.

It is critically important the Payable CSV schema is unaltered when submitting corrections or splits. Please make a copy of the CSV templates provided below to prepare your corrections.

We’ll e-file the correction and send the CSV and PDF record back to you via the Stripe dashboard. You may then re-file that form with proper state or federal tax authorities if needed.

Each row in the CSV you provide to Stripe support will reflect a Payable correction that Stripe will e-file with the IRS for you. Regardless of which form type your correction is, all correction CSVs must have the following fields populated per correction row:

All other fields in your CSV correction are optional. Fields that are left blank will default to the value that was on the original form. Stripe support can provide you with a CSV of all your prior Payable filings if you’d like to use it as a reference to get this data.

Correction Guidelines

Split Guidelines

Acceptable Business Types