How can I disconnect my connected bank account?
Individuals and businesses may link their financial accounts with Stripe to make payments, receive payouts, or access enhanced product experiences. If you connected your account to a business (like an app, marketplace, or when checking out online), you can disconnect it by following the instructions below.
If you're a Stripe merchant, please review this article.
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Quickly view or disconnect apps you're sharing bank details with using Link, a service built by Stripe. Only savings and checking accounts are supported.
To remove your bank account from a business, visit their website or contact the business directly. Otherwise, existing subscription or payment plans may continue. You may also contact Stripe support.
If you want a business to delete any copies of your data they have, please contact them directly.
Please note, in some cases Stripe may need to retain your data, including financial account data, where required by applicable law or in connection with disputed payments. You can read more about our retention practices in our Privacy Policy.
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