Request data from a current processor for a data import to Stripe

Different processors may have different requirements about how to ask for a data export. Some charge a fee for the export service and some require certain forms to be filled in.

A good approach is to start by sending their support team something like this:

I’d like to export my customer and payment method data from my account with you for import into Stripe.

Stripe is a PCI Level 1 Service provider, so it has security protocols in place for handling data carefully. Stripe’s PCI Attestation of Compliance (AoC) is available upon request, if you don’t already have it on file. For security, Stripe requires the data export to be encrypted with its PGP key, which can be found here:

Stripe’s team will provide me with SFTP server credentials, which I will share with you, so your team can upload my data to Stripe’s server. Please let me know what my next steps are for getting the export process started.