Beneficial ownership requirements: United Kingdom

All businesses with legal entities incorporated in the United Kingdom are required to register with Companies House. We will compare the business and beneficial ownership or persons with significant control information that you have submitted to Stripe with the information listed on Companies House.

Required information

You can review and update your business information in the Stripe Dashboard. We will check your:

Discrepancy: if there is a discrepancy between the information provided to Stripe and Companies House, Stripe is required to report this to Companies House. This doesn't affect your ability to accept payments or make payouts to your bank account.

No results: if your business information on Stripe cannot be found in Companies House, we will ask you to submit a confirmation of your registration, and business ownership and/or persons with significant control information, in the Dashboard. Your ability to receive payouts to your bank account will be paused if you are unable to submit this confirmation. We are also required to notify Companies House that your legal entity is not registered with Companies House.